Class EntityCradle

Direct Known Subclasses:
EntTypeCradle, NbtCradle, PlayerCradle

public abstract class EntityCradle extends Object
A fancy entity supplier with serialization.

EntityCradle is generally server safe, although calls to getEntity(World) aren't guaranteed to be.

See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final com.mojang.serialization.Codec<EntityCradle> CRADLE_CODEC
  • Constructor Details

    • EntityCradle

      public EntityCradle()
  • Method Details

    • getType

      public abstract EntityCradle.CradleType<?> getType()
    • getEntity

      @Nullable public abstract net.minecraft.entity.Entity getEntity( world)
      Supplies an entity wrapped by the cradle. This isn't guaranteed to be server-safe.

      Implementations should try to cache their entity if possible.

      world -
      an entity based on this cradle
    • getId

      public String getId()
      Gets an id representing this entity in some way. This is used for texture caching on glows (and maybe other stuff in the future).
      string that can be used in an identifier/resloc.
    • addCradleType

      public static <T extends EntityCradle.CradleType> T addCradleType(T cradleType)