All Classes and Interfaces
An item-less custom tooltip system.
Makes a tooltip out of some arbitrary data of type T.
A fancy entity supplier with serialization.
EntTypeCradle<E extends net.minecraft.entity.Entity>
An entity cradle backed by an EntityType identifier.
Indicates how the render system should handle glow effects.
Indicates that the render system will handle the glow effect.
Indicates that the renderer will handle the glow effect on its own with no help from the render system.
The common Inline API, mostly just for working with InlineData.
The main Inline Client API.
Represents some arbitrary data that should be renderered with the
.The type of some InlineData.
Represents some match from a matcher.
A match representing some data.
A match representing some text.
Matches patterns in any rendered text.
Renders in place of text based on the InlineData attached to the text.
A collection of values taken from the text renderer.
This is the core of the matcher system.
An extension of MatchContext that has the player sending the message.
User-facing information about a matcher.
An entity cradle backed by the entity's full nbt data
An entity cradle backed by a player GameProfile
A regex based matcher.
A helper class for constructing a RegexMatcher from just a
regex pattern and a getMatch function.
A helper class for regex matchers of the form
.A wrapper around various texture sources.
This is a stupid stupid stupid thing to let our DrawContext have an immediate even if the actual vc provider is
not an immediate.